The countdown has begun! Only two months and six days until Bear Fight releases their first album! This should be a doozy of a night with heavy hitters like Manray and Lazer/Wulf as the opening bands. It's gonna get sweaty and violent!! Matt Collett (Guitar/Vocals) of Bear Fight asked me to come up with a poster design for the show. He gave me the reigns to do whatever the hell I wanted. So, naturally, I did. Boxing bear. Violent and brootal. The party goes down at The Jinx on July 6th at 10PM with a $7 cover (so save them duckets!). Let's tear Savannah a new one!
Bear Fight! Facebook
Lazer/Wulf Bandcamp
Lazer/Wulf Facebook
Manray Website
Manray Facebook
Schuyler. Excellent. You have a great talent for this kind of art. I hope this poster produces more commissions. Love, Nana